
Ikkitousen spear girl
Ikkitousen spear girl

ikkitousen spear girl

Housewife: in a crushing subversion of Yamato Nadeshiko, to boot.In Xtreme Xecutor (ep 03, 07:52), he proves he's still kinda badass by barely noticing Bachou Mouki's punch.The Worf Effect: In his first appearance, he manages to give Hakufu a run for her money (granted, Saji had stolen her magatama a few moments earlier), but later he only serves as cannon fodder.

ikkitousen spear girl

  • Pet the Dog - his affection for the real Saji, in Great Guardians.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond -> Dark-Skinned Redhead.
  • Saji Genpou (Zuo Ci) /Ouin Shishi (Wang Yun) File:Saji2 6433.jpg
  • The Stoic: Though she tries pretty hard sometimes - refer to episode 9 of first season, a.k.a.
  • Kinky Cuffs: It's even her Improbable Weapon.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change - She used to have very long hair, but now she keeps it short.
  • Though Ryomou has more of a personality than rei.
  • Expy - Slightly similar to Rei Ayanami.
  • Ryomou Shimei (Lu Meng) File:Ryomou 1906.jpg
  • Victorious Childhood Friend (anime only).
  • The Worf Effect - Triumphantly averted later in the manga, but not by too much.
  • Weak but Skilled - In raw power and fighting ability he's overshadowed by most of the major players, but his mastery of Ki is incredible (most notably when he literally cancelled Toutotsu's Hakka Daiseishou by balancing his ki against it in volume 7).
  • Rescue Romance - he loves Hakufu because she used to protect him and cheer him up when they were kids.
  • He gets better late in the manga, however.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome - thank you, The Worf Effect.
  • Dogged Nice Guy - though not as pushy as others.
  • Shuuyu Koukin (Zhou Yu) File:Ikki koukin 642.jpg
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill - Loves to fight, refuses to kill.
  • This Is Unforgivable! - Says this whenever she's horribly pissed off.
  • Nice Girl - A refreshingly sweet, kind and good-hearted kid who can be friends with anybody.
  • Honor Before Reason - Not that she has much reason to begin with, mind you.
  • Fiery Redhead - More blonde in the manga, though.
  • Down to the orange hair and hyper personality.
  • Easily Forgiven - The most admirable trait with this girl is that she does not hold grudges period once the fight is over, anyone, even last-season's enemies, are affectionately embraced as friends.
  • Chaste Teens - One of three canonical characters in the franchise to qualify for this trope not only is she too innocent (thinking that three men picking her up to Karaoke only want to have dinner with her), she's having far too good a time fighting to even be interested in sex.
  • Blood Knight AND Boisterous Bruiser AND Cute Bruiser.
  • Beware the Nice Ones - Remember: a person can be as nice as she is in Ikkitousen only because she can afford to be nice.
  • Nanyou (Wu) Sonsaku Hakufu (Sun Ce) File:Sonsaku hakufu 4291.jpg
  • 1.7 Sonken Chuubou (Sun Quan) /Shoukyou (Xiao Qiao).
  • 1.4 Saji Genpou (Zuo Ci) /Ouin Shishi (Wang Yun).
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    Ikkitousen spear girl